27  GLMM Encoding

Generalized linear mixed models (GLMM) encoding Pargent et al. (2022) follows as an extension to target encoding which is laid out in detail in Chapter 23.

A hierarchical generalized linear model is fit, using no intercept.

When applying target encoding, some classes have different numbers of observations associated with them.

The "horse" class only has 1 observation in this data set, how confident are we that the mean calculated from this value is as valid as the mean that was calculated over the 3 values for the "cat" class?

Knowing that the global mean of the target is our baseline when we have no information. We can combine the level mean with the global mean, in accordance with how many observations we observe. If we have a lot of observations at a level, we will let the global mean have little influence, and if there are fewer observations we will let the global mean have a higher influence.

We can visualize this effect in the following charts. First, we have an example of what happens with a smaller amount of smoothing. The points are mostly along the diagonal. Remember that if we didn’t do this, all the points would be along the diagonal regardless of their size.

Scatter chart. A green line with slope 1 and intercept, and a blue line with slope 0 and an intercept equal to the global mean. The points are sized according to the number of observations that were used to calculate the value. The points lie along the green line mostly, with some of the smaller points getting closer to the blue line.
Figure 27.1: With a small amount of smoothing, the adjusted means are close to the original means, regardless of the number of observations.

In this next chart, we see the effect of a higher amount of smoothing, now the levels with fewer observations are pulled quite a bit closer to the global mean.

Scatter chart. A green line with slope 1 and intercept, and a blue line with slope 0 and an intercept equal to the global mean. The points are sized according to the number of observations that were used to calculate the value. The points lie between the green and blue lines, with the smaller points being closer to the blue line than the larger points.
Figure 27.2: With a large amount of smoothing, the adjusted means are not as close to the original means, with smaller points getting quite close to the global mean.

The exact way this is done will vary from method to method, and the strength of this smoothing can and should properly be tuned as there isn’t an empirical best way to choose it.

The big benefit is that by fitting a hierarchical generalized linear model is fit, using no intercept is that it will handle the amount of smoothing for us. Giving us a method that handles smoothing, using a sound statistical method, without needed a hyperparameter.

27.2 Pros and Cons

27.2.1 Pros

  • No hyperparameters to tune, as shrinkage is automatically done.
  • Can deal with categorical variables with many levels
  • Can deal with unseen levels in a sensible way

27.2.2 Cons

  • Can be prone to overfitting

27.3 R Examples


find a better data set

We apply the smoothed GLMM encoder using the step_lencode_mixed() step.


data(ames, package = "modeldata")

rec_target_smooth <- recipe(Sale_Price ~ Neighborhood, data = ames) |>
  step_lencode_mixed(Neighborhood, outcome = vars(Sale_Price)) |>

rec_target_smooth |>
  bake(new_data = NULL)
# A tibble: 2,930 Γ— 2
   Neighborhood Sale_Price
          <dbl>      <int>
 1      145156.     215000
 2      145156.     105000
 3      145156.     172000
 4      145156.     244000
 5      190633.     189900
 6      190633.     195500
 7      322591.     213500
 8      322591.     191500
 9      322591.     236500
10      190633.     189000
# β„Ή 2,920 more rows

And we can pull out the values of the encoding like so.

rec_target_smooth |>
# A tibble: 29 Γ— 4
   level                value terms        id                 
   <chr>                <dbl> <chr>        <chr>              
 1 North_Ames         145156. Neighborhood lencode_mixed_Bp5vK
 2 College_Creek      201769. Neighborhood lencode_mixed_Bp5vK
 3 Old_Town           124154. Neighborhood lencode_mixed_Bp5vK
 4 Edwards            131021. Neighborhood lencode_mixed_Bp5vK
 5 Somerset           229563. Neighborhood lencode_mixed_Bp5vK
 6 Northridge_Heights 321519. Neighborhood lencode_mixed_Bp5vK
 7 Gilbert            190633. Neighborhood lencode_mixed_Bp5vK
 8 Sawyer             136956. Neighborhood lencode_mixed_Bp5vK
 9 Northwest_Ames     188401. Neighborhood lencode_mixed_Bp5vK
10 Sawyer_West        184085. Neighborhood lencode_mixed_Bp5vK
# β„Ή 19 more rows

27.4 Python Examples

We are using the ames data set for examples. {category_encoders} provided the GLMMEncoder() method we can use.

from feazdata import ames
from sklearn.compose import ColumnTransformer
from category_encoders.glmm import GLMMEncoder

ct = ColumnTransformer(
    [('glmm', GLMMEncoder(), ['MS_Zoning'])], 

ct.fit(ames, y=ames[["Sale_Price"]].values.flatten())
                  transformers=[('glmm', GLMMEncoder(), ['MS_Zoning'])])
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      glmm__MS_Zoning  ... remainder__Latitude
0           55180.830  ...              42.054
1             338.691  ...              42.053
2           55180.830  ...              42.053
3           55180.830  ...              42.051
4           55180.830  ...              42.061
...               ...  ...                 ...
2925        55180.830  ...              41.989
2926        55180.830  ...              41.988
2927        55180.830  ...              41.987
2928        55180.830  ...              41.991
2929        55180.830  ...              41.989

[2930 rows x 74 columns]