37  Multi-Dummy Encoding

This chapter will cover what I like to call multi-dummy encoding. When you are able to extract multiple entries from one categorical variable or combine entries from multiple categorical variables.

I find that this is best explained by example. We will start with combining entries from multiple variables. Imagine that you see this subsection in your data, perhaps denoting some individual’s language proficiencies. How would you encode it?

first second third
english danish
danish english german
spanish english

One could apply dummy variables on each of them individually, but that could potentially create a lot of columns as you would expect a near-equal number of levels produced from each variable. You could apply Target Encoding to the variables, but that too feels insufficient. What these methods don’t take into account is that there is some shared information between these variables that isn’t being picked up.

We can use the shared information to our advantage. The levels used in these categorical variables are likely the same, so we can treat them combined. In practice, this means that we count over all selected columns, and add dummies or counts accordingly.

danish english german spanish
1 1 0 0
1 1 1 0
0 0 0 1
0 1 0 1

This style of transformation often provides zero-one indicators rather than counts purely because of the construction of the data. But it doesn’t mean that counts can’t happen. Make sure that the implementation you are using matches the expectations you have for the data.


This data configuration often contains missing values. Above is represented by emptiness. Be advised to make sure the tools you are using understand the designation.

One thing that is lost in the method is the potential ordering of the variables. The above example has a natural ordering, indicative by the names of the variables. Depending on how important you think the ordering is, one could add a weighting scheme like below.

danish english german spanish
0.5 1.0 0.00 0
1.0 0.5 0.25 0
0.0 0.0 0.00 1
0.0 0.5 0.00 1

you need to remember what 0 means here. The weighting scheme should take that into account. One could opt to use a linear weight, but make sure that the first column has the highest value, instead of starting at 1 and going up.

Next, we look at extracting multiple entries. This can be seen as a convenient shorthand for text extraction, as is discussed in Chapter 47. I find that this pattern emerges enough by itself that it is worth denoting it as its own method.

The above example could instead be structured so

english, danish
danish, english, german
spanish, english

We can pull out the same counts as before, using regular expressions. One could pull out the entries in two main ways, by splitting or extraction. We could either split by , or extract sequences of characters [a-z]*.

With splitting, you can sometimes extract a lot of signal if you have a carefully crafted regular expression. Consider the following list of materials and mediums for a number of art pieces.

Oil paint on canvas
Painted steel and salt
Etching on paper
Lithograph on paper

At first glance, they appear quite unstructured, but by splitting on (, )|( and )|( on ) you get the following mediums and techniques [canvas, etching, lithograph, oil paint, painted steel, paper, salt].

37.2 Pros and Cons

37.2.1 Pros

  • Can provide increased signal

37.2.2 Cons

  • Less commonly occurring
  • Requires careful eye and hand tuning

37.3 R Examples

Wait for adoption data set

37.4 Python Examples

I’m not aware of a good way to do this in a scikit-learn way. Please file an issue on github if you know of a good way.